Generating mutants

cargo mutants generates mutants by inspecting the existing source code and applying a set of rules to generate new code that is likely to compile but have different behavior.

Mutants each have a "genre", each of which is described below.

Replace function body with value

The FnValue genre of mutants replaces a function's body with a value that is guessed to be of the right type.

This checks that the tests:

  1. Observe any side effects of the original function.
  2. Distinguish return values.

More mutation genres and patterns will be added in future releases.

Return typeMutation pattern
()() (return unit, with no side effects)
signed integers0, 1, -1
unsigned integers0, 1
floats0.0, 1.0, -1.0
NonZeroI*1, -1
booltrue, false
StringString::new(), "xyzzy".into()
&'_ str ."", "xyzzy"
&mut ...Box::leak(Box::new(...))
Result<T>Ok(...) , and an error if configured
Option<T>Some(...), None
Vec<T>vec![], vec![...]
BinaryHeap, BTreeSet, HashSet, LinkedList, VecDequeempty and one-element collections
BTreeMap, HashMapempty map and the product of all key and value replacements
Cow<'_, T>Cow::Borrowed(t), Cow::Owned(t.to_owned())
[T; L][r; L] for all replacements of T
&[T], &mut [T]Leaked empty and one-element vecs
&T&... (all replacements for T)
(A, B, ...)(a, b, ...) for the product of all replacements of A, B, ...
impl IteratorEmpty and one-element iterators of the inner type
(any other)Default::default()

... in the mutation patterns indicates that the type is recursively mutated. For example, Result<bool> can generate Ok(true) and Ok(false). The recursion can nest for types like Result<Option<String>>.

Some of these values may not be valid for all types: for example, returning Default::default() will work for many types, but not all. In this case the mutant is said to be "unviable": by default these are counted but not printed, although they can be shown with --unviable.

Binary operators

Binary operators are replaced with other binary operators in expressions like a == 0.

<==, >
>==, <
+-, *
-+, /
*+, /
/%, *
%/, +
|&, ^
^&, |
+= and similar assignmentsassignment corresponding to the line above

Equality operators are not currently replaced with comparisons like < or <= because they are too prone to generate false positives, for example when unsigned integers are compared to 0.

Unary operators

Unary operators are deleted in expressions like -a and !a. They are not currently replaced with other unary operators because they are too prone to generate unviable cases (e.g. !1.0, -false).

Match arms

Entire match arms are deleted in match expressions when a wildcard pattern is present in one of the arms. Match expressions without a wildcard pattern would be too prone to unviable mutations of this kind.

Match arm guards

Match arm guard expressions are replaced with true and false.